
Subscriptions: £40 per year


As updated September 2022.

  1. The title of the club shall be Hastings & Ore Photographic Club.
  2. The aims and objectives of the club are to provide facilities for members to exchange views and ideas in colour and black and white photography in an informal atmosphere and to provide members with the facilities for the advancement of the art of photography in a practical and competitive manner.
  3. Membership shall be unlimited.
  4. The club may appoint an Honorary President.
  5. The club shall consist of: Chair Vice Chair Treasurer Secretary Print Secretary Digital Projected Image Secretary and other committee members, as required.
  6. Five members of the committee are required to make a quorum.
  7. Committee meetings are held at the discretion of the Chair.
  8. Election of the officers shall take place at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  9. In addition to the committee, the AGM shall select an Honorary Auditor.
  10. The committee shall have the power to co-opt one ordinary member to the committee without prior reference to the members.
  11. The treasure shall submit a report to the AGM.
  12. Two members of the committee shall be signatories to all monies withdrawn from the club funds.
  13. In the event of the club disbanding, all monies left in the club funds after disposal of assets and payments of debts, shall be donated to charity
  14. Subscriptions shall be fixed annually at the AGM.
  15. There shall be NO religious, political or racial bias.
  16. In the event of another club disbanding and its members joining us, if the number of their members exceeds 50% of our club membership, they will not have the right to vote at the first AGM, after joining us

All persons attend meetings at their own risk