
Following the advice of the Government’s Chief Medical Advisor, and given that the enforced lock-down will be in place for possibly, the next 6 months, I have made the sad decision that HOPC will not be meeting again in the foreseeable future – thus cancelling the Print/DPI of the Year competitions.

This means , regrettably, that the 2019/2020 season will be declared null and void, and there will be no AGM until further notice.

Although three DPI competitions have been held, only two Print competitions have taken place. Therefore, it would be unfair to announce possible category winners and, as such, NO awards will be made this year in EITHER media.

In the unlikely possibility of our annual exhibition being held in Priory Meadow, with the author’s permission, I will hold on to the entries handed in for the third Print competition, to be used as exhibits.

If any authors do not wish for their images to be shown, please let me know.

If you were awarded a trophy in any media category last year, please hold on to them until further notice, when we can arrange their safe return to the Club. (Unnecessary journeys etc).

Whilst I understand that this may be an unsatisfactory ending to the season, it is not a decision I have taken lightly, but the safety and well-being of our members is, without doubt, the most important factor.

Thank you for your understanding.

Stay well, stay safe , stay indoors.

Kind regards

